Your Questions Answered


What is coaching?

Coaching is a guided, highly supportive process that helps individuals get where they want to be in a much shorter time. Coaching helps people shift their mindset, achieve breakthroughs and identify the actions they need to take to create the lives they want.


Why should I hire a coach?

A person hires a coach to help him or her think and talk through where they want to be and how to get there. Coaches help people develop their potential, move beyond things that have kept them stuck and take action to move forward in different areas of their lives. Coaches ask insightful questions, use careful listening and cut through the noise to help people figure out how to get where they desire to be. 


What skills will be needed in the future?

In the future, there will be a much stronger emphasis on digital, interpersonal, team collaboration and self-management skills. These include working well with others, adaptability, communication, handling our own emotions, listening and creativity. 


How can I give feedback?

When giving feedback, be honest, listen carefully and show empathy. Make it conversational by asking the recipient for his or her thoughts on how they might improve going forward. A useful model is the SBIF  - Situation, Behaviour, Impact and Future. Begin by describing the situation (a recent project) and the specific behaviour (missed deadline) that needs to be improved. Follow this with an account of the impact that this behaviour had. The impact of not meeting a project deadline could be financial loss and damage to the reputation of the project team. Finish by agreeing how to change or behave differently in the future, or how demonstrate the behaviour in other areas if it is a strength.


How do I know if remote employees are performing well?

Leaders can measure performance in team by paying attention to behaviours, results and outcomes, rather than time spent working or the location of the work. Results, outcomes and behaviours can include qualitative and quantitative measures such as revenue and sales targets, quality of team collaboration, stakeholder relationships and customer feedback. When setting goals, it is critical to identify the expected results and outcomes, and to agree how you will know when they have been achieved. Also, it is important to support employees in achieving their goals by having frequent check-ins and providing timely feedback. 


What is a growth mindset?

A growth mindset is a belief that we can continually learn and improve by focusing our time and effort on developing our skills and capabilities. People with a growth mindset are not embarrassed by failure, rather they are willing to discuss what went wrong and what they learned. They are inspired by the success of others, seek feedback and are persistent in their efforts to grow and develop. Individuals with a growth mindset believe that it is the pursuit of learning and not their innate talents that determine the extent to which they get better and perform at higher levels.


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