Our Beliefs


Future Mind Learning is driven by key beliefs about human development

  • We are wired for social: Human beings have a biological need for connection and belonging. This means learning is most effective in social situations where we share ideas, generate insights and design solutions together.

  • Learning lies in co-creation, not consumption: There is a great deal of content available through different media. However, high-value learning comes from working with others to create new and better ways of doing things.

  • Ask great questions and really listen to what follows: Asking the right questions is one of the most effective ways to trigger insight and accelerate learning in hybrid teams. Listen without judgment to the answer even if it was not what you expected.

  • Don’t just give feedback, ask for it: We know from research in neuroscience that our brains react to feedback the same way they reacts to threats in our environment, like hearing footsteps behind us on a dark night. When we hear “Can I give you some feedback?”, our brains shut down’ and concentrate our resources on avoiding the threat. Taking control and asking for feedback removes much of the fear and opens us up to listening, learning and creativity.

  • Make it sticky: Learning that does not lead to lasting behavior change is truly a missed opportunity. Learning experiences that aim to create new skills and behaviors must include support and opportunities to apply the learning in the workplace.

  • Leadership development programs, followed by 1:1 coaching, helps leaders identify the individual actions they need to grow and change.


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