How do I lead a hybrid team?
Leading with empathy, caring, and trust whether in person or virtually is central to being a good leader. As a leader, it is important to understand how team members are doing, what their challenges are and how you can support them to achieve their goals. Leaders should pay attention to the culture and ensure that values are ‘lived’ and desired behaviors are demonstrated whether employees are in the office or not. For example, team members may demonstrate inclusion in different ways when they are interacting via applications such as Zoom, rather than in person. Also, communication can be more challenging in hybrid teams so it is important to set clear expectations on the frequency and cadence of meetings and identify how the team can stay connected. One-on-one meetings or check-ins are critical in helping leaders stay close to team members and support their performance and progress with goals. Frequent check-ins help direct reports feel part of the team, connected to the wider organization and engaged in the culture and community.